FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Chedvata?
    Chedvata is the first Hareidi Hesder Program, founded by Haredim in 2017 that combines Torah Study – Job Training – and Army service into one program.

    Chedvata increases the number of Haredim in both the workforce and the army which strengthens Israel, economically, militarily and socially.

  2. What does the Chedvata program specifically entail?
    Chedvata’s program consists of three key components:
    1. Torah Study: Chedvata students learn Torah in the morning;
    2. Academic Education: Afternoons are spent pursuing a degree from Ashkelon College in fields such as computer programming, cybersecurity/warfare, or electrical engineering. Additional degree options are added annually.
    3. Military Service: After completing their degrees, students join a Haredi unit in the IDF.

    Currently, about 300 students are enrolled in Chedvata.

  3. Why is Chedvata attracting so many Hareidi youth?
    Since the start of the war, thousands of Haredi boys, outraged by the atrocities of Oct 7th, have wanted to join Chedvata’s program, but were unable to do so due to a lack of funding. Many choose Chedvata because of its high spiritual ideals enabling them to keep to their religious standards. Also, word got out that Chedvata has created a strong tight community, with festive Shabbatons, live music, and other informal programing.
    Creating a joyous community for our students has been a top priority since our inception and is the reason the founders of this program chose the name Chedvata, which means “Joy” in Aramaic.

  4. Why haven’t I heard about Chedvata before?
    Until now Chedvata was funded exclusively by the Israeli government. While the government still supports the program, we need much greater funding, to accommodate more students, build more buildings for classrooms and for housing, and to provide tuition scholarships for the many Haredim who want to join Chedvata.


Chedvata provides all the spiritual, social and material needs of our students in Torah learning, job training and for our soldiers who are fighting on the front lines for Israel.

In this way, Chedvata strengthens Israel economically, militarily and socially, by increasing unity within the Israeli society.

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